How to Calculate your Savings Rate

I had a graduate email me the other day to thank me for getting him on the path to saving early (awesome email!) He had one question though: How do you calculate your savings rate? I then realised that I’ve never really explained in a post how you should calculate your savings rate and how I’ve set up the SNSS (Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet ) to calculate that figure. So, here it is!...

November 14, 2019 · 6 min · SavingNinja

Savings Report #16 - Time for a new Saving Ninja?

This is a Saving Ninja savings report. Go to How To Track Your Savings to check out the Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet. Please note that I split my expenses equally with my partner and the savings rate, house equity and house value represent my share only. The spreadsheet calculates my savings rate based off £12,000 worth of expenses per year, even though my expenses are actually Less Than 10k Per Year ....

November 7, 2019 · 4 min · SavingNinja

The Boggy Marsh Part 2 - O(2^m+t)

In part 1 of The Boggy Marsh we discovered that there was a secret financial blueprint that would allow even lower-income individuals to get ahead; if only life was approached the correct way. Today we’re going to delve into the specifics. How exactly will careful planning and execution help aid your journey through The Boggy Marsh, and how big will the impact be? O(2^t+m). What does this icky Math formula mean?...

October 31, 2019 · 8 min · SavingNinja

The Boggy Marsh Part 1 - The Secret Financial Blueprint

I’ve always believed in the notion of going through life in the correct way. However ambiguous it may seem, when it comes to personal finance and FIRE in particular, there’s definitely a way in which it should be executed in order to maximise efficiency. Don’t Swim Against the Current Each adventure through life should, of course, start with amassing enough of a nest egg as early as possible, in order for it to compound for longer....

October 24, 2019 · 5 min · SavingNinja

The Future of Work

Welcome to Thought Experiment #8. At the beginning of each second month, a thought experiment question will be tweeted under the hashtag #ThoughtExperiment and everyone is invited to participate with their own posts, these will then go live together on the 15th of the next month (you can still join in after this date). Below is the question asked for this Thought Experiment. Thanks to Sonia from Money For The Modern Girl for the awesome question....

October 15, 2019 · 7 min · SavingNinja