Don’t Borrow Worry From Tomorrow

“Why are you surprised that traveling does you no good, when you travel in your own company? The thing that weighs on your mind is the same as what drove you from home.” I felt the sting of this quote when I read it. My constant craving for wanderlust has been a fixture in my mind for as long as I can remember; It’s been the answer to all of my problems, I think to myself; The way I will find real and everlasting happiness…...

May 9, 2019 · 11 min · SavingNinja

Crazy Gains - Savings Report #10

This is a Saving Ninja savings report. Go to How To Track Your Savings to check out the Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet. Please note that I split my expenses equally with my partner and the savings rate, house equity and house value represent my share only. The spreadsheet calculates my savings rate based off £12,000 worth of expenses per year, even though my expenses are actually Less Than 10k Per Year ....

May 2, 2019 · 5 min · SavingNinja

Microfiction #1 - Fire

Below is an entry into Marc@FinanceYourFire’s Microfiction Series . He states a word and participants are asked to write a short story (less than 350 words) on the subject. Head over to the article to see his own and any other entries. I’m seeing this as a great way to practice fiction writing. Who knows, maybe one of these short stories could turn into a book as, when retired, one of my projects is to write an epic fantasy !...

April 26, 2019 · 2 min · SavingNinja

How to Increase Your Savings Rate

A lot of people are quite shocked when they hear how much I save in comparison to what I spend. A lot of this is attributed to a big salary, but my expenses are still lower than most people that I know. Saving so much is partly due to my upbringing, partly due to my relationship status and partly due to my competitive nature, but a lot of my savings can be attributed to certain habits that I have instilled in myself over the years....

April 25, 2019 · 6 min · SavingNinja

What to do When You Retire?

Welcome to Thought Experiment #5. At the beginning of each second month, a thought experiment question will be tweeted under the hashtag #ThoughtExperiment and everyone is invited to participate with their own posts, these will then go live together on the 15th of the next month (you can still join in after this date). Below is the question asked for this Thought Experiment. Life is good. You finally did it! You pulled the plug on your day job after reaching financial independence....

April 15, 2019 · 6 min · SavingNinja