2021 Reviewed - Are Goals Bad?

I’m ending this year with both a high and a low. The high being that my financial independence target of £300k was reached in December 2021 , and the low is that during Christmas both myself and my wife caught COVID. We’ve lasted for over a year in a mask-free state in Sweden, commuting to work, going out for drinks, and we never caught the virus. We go back to the UK for Christmas and then when we arrive back in Sweden we’re positive; what a plague-ridden country the UK has become!...

January 12, 2022 · 10 min · SavingNinja

Savings Report #42 - Lean-FI Goal Reached!

Click here to see all of my past Savings Reports and view my interactive net worth chart Go to How To Track Your Savings to check out the Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet. I’ve made it to my initial financial independence goal of £300k net worth! This has taken me around 4 years of saving, with the last 42 months being tracked on this blog . This should, on paper, cover my current expenses indefinitely, although the sequence of returns risk would be huge due to having a lot of my net worth locked away in my pension....

January 2, 2022 · 4 min · SavingNinja

Thought Experiment #11 - Spend It All

Welcome to Thought Experiment #11. A question is posted with the hope that many bloggers will join in and answer with their own post, creating a series of different view points to a single question. Below is the question asked for this Thought Experiment. You’ve decided that you no longer want to save any of your income toward FIRE each month. Instead, you’re going to spend it. How would you use your new disposable income?...

January 1, 2022 · 9 min · SavingNinja

Savings Report #41 - So Damn Close!

Click here to see all of my past Savings Reports and view my interactive net worth chart Go to How To Track Your Savings to check out the Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet. So close. If the stock market doesn’t crash before Christmas, December will be the month… The month where I complete the SavingNinja FIRE journey of reaching £300k and I begin venturing into uncharted territory. I’m excited! This has only happened due to the stock market blazing upward again, I’m unsure what’s going on to prompt another 3% gain, can someone let me know?...

December 1, 2021 · 3 min · SavingNinja

Savings Report #40 - Construction and Management

Click here to see all of my past Savings Reports and view my interactive net worth chart Go to How To Track Your Savings to check out the Saving Ninja Super Spreadsheet. The stock market did very well this month, I gained £4,860 in interest to go along with my £5,582 of increased contributions. Part of this sharp rise is due to my portfolio being 3% invested in my company stock which increased a lot this month, I hope it stays this high!...

November 6, 2021 · 6 min · SavingNinja