2019 Reviewed - Things are Looking Up

It’s that time of year again where I create the charts, review the data, analyse, and seek to improve. Looking back at 2018 reviewed I’m aghast at how much I’ve forgotten and shocked at the amount that can get accomplished in a single year. That’s why these posts are so important; not just for personal finance but for all of your goals. The clarity that journaling gives you means that you can achieve anything that you set out to do as you’ll have time to reflect, analyse and get incrementally better!...

January 9, 2020 · 12 min · SavingNinja

A lot Has Changed - 2018 Reviewed

A lot has changed in 2018. In exactly 3 days on the 11th of January, this blog will turn 6 months old. Has it really only been that amount of time? It seems like I’ve been talking to you forever. Even though I’ve not been posting for a whole year yet, the start of a new one is the perfect time for contemplation and planning. This way, at the end of 2019, we can look back at the progress that has been made and see if our goals and expectations have been met....

January 10, 2019 · 9 min · SavingNinja