HSBC £200 Switching Offer

This is a bank account switching offer. Read The Full Guide to Bank Account Switching for more information on how to make the most of offers like these. This generous offer from HSBC has been around for a while now, but since I’ve referred to it in a few different articles I thought I’d make an official post documenting the details. Before taking on this offer, be warned; it’s a tricky one due to the high pay in requirement and HSBC will do everything in their power to not pay you and stall....

October 25, 2018 · 2 min · SavingNinja

The Full Guide to Bank Account Switching

Just like Matched Betting , switching bank accounts takes advantage of the free money that most high-street banks are now offering to switch to them. Once you’ve done some setting up, it can take as little as 10 minutes to complete an offer. With offers bagging you things like a pair of Free Bose Headphones or £125 cash the time value commitment is through the roof! It means bank account switching can clock in at over £600 per hour....

October 19, 2018 · 8 min · SavingNinja

Why You Should Split Your Expenses 50/50

Consolidating your expenses has long been a tradition in British culture. It stems back to the days where a father had to barter with other families to trade off his daughter as a bride in place of cattle or arable land. The daughter would then become the property of her new husband. Their finances then become one, “What’s mine is yours.” It was the wife’s duty to raise children; it was unimaginable for them to earn money, so the joining of the household finances had to happen....

October 16, 2018 · 5 min · SavingNinja

What Would You Do If You Got Given £1 Million?

This article signifies the start of a new post category which I’m going to name, ‘Thought Experiments’! The way this type of post will work is by starting off with a question, like “What would you do if you got given £1 million?”, and the blogger will have to write whatever they first think of. No pre-planning or major editing allowed and blabbering is definitely encouraged! It should read like an internal monologue....

October 11, 2018 · 8 min · SavingNinja

Grab £125 Free Cash

This is a bank account switching offer. Read The Full Guide to Bank Account Switching for more information on how to make the most of offers like these. Natwest have just opened up an extremely generous switching offer; £125 lump sum cash. This offer is even open to existing Natwest customers[note]You’re not eligible for this offer if you’ve had cash back for switching to Natwest since October 2017.[/note]. Just like the Nationwide Bose Headphones offer , this too just requires one deposit....

October 5, 2018 · 2 min · SavingNinja